How to install redhat Linux 5
This article deals with the demonstration of how to install redhat Linux 5 in a typical situation. The media chosen for this article will be a DVD, and we will use solely the DVD to describe how to install redhat Linux 5.
The first step while trying how to install redhat Linux 5 would be to place the DVD in the PC and consequently booting it.
Next up, while trying to learn how to install redhat Linux 5, you will find the default installer as your most helpful guide in the process. The installer is going to provide you with the option of checking the DVD media prior to the installation. You ought to skip this step if you want to proceed with the installation.
This will lead to the initial page in the how to install redhat Enterprise Linux 5 wizard which you should accept and move on from.
Subsequently the language selection box appears for you to choose the language to be made use of in the rest of the set up. Choose the appropriate option.
The next page to focus on while trying to learn how to install redhat Enterprise Linux 5 would be the wizard for you to choose the keyboard type. In the subsequent screen that appears you’re requested to put in your installation number. You can skip this if you don’t have it. This will make the box for hard disc partitioning to appear where you are able to specify what you wish doing with your disc.
The next box in the installation wizard is for creating a fresh partition. In the event of you having put in a brand new disc, you ought to press the “New” button for creating a partition. Remember that creating fresh partitions will make you lose all your data.
The how to install redhat Enterprise Linux 5 wizard screen that follows, is for creating a boot partition for your OS to store the boot record in a separate partition. The following page in the wizard is the one for creating a Tmp (temporary) partition. The set up wizard screen appearing next is for the swap partition. Subsequently the set up wizard screen appears for creating the /u01 partition (particularly for Oracle as well as for database files).
With this the wizard screen emerges for creating a root partition or “/”.You ought to give it the entire space that you have left on your disc for a clean install. In the following screen you are able to see the way your partition system is going to appear once you’re finished with it.
This makes the screen appear that provides you with the option of keeping the boot record on your disc or not. You ought to keep the default setting. Next up in the installation wizard is the screen for you to do the network configuration. You ought to manually enter a hostname for best results. After that you press on the edit button next to Network devices, render the ipv6 inoperative and present a static IP address for the IPv4, especially if you work in the same office/home network constantly.
The wizard screen that follows has the settings for the time zone. Following that is the screen for you to present a password to be used by the root user. Please remember that you’ll be using this password in almost every Linux operation, so don’t make it too complicated or unwieldy. Subsequently, you can choose the OS packages you require. You can leave almost everything you see as default, unless you have a specific reason to modify anything.
This will lead to the installation screen that lists all the packages. You are to be right clicking on the package group and then push down on the “Select all optional packages” option for installing all the things in that group. Thereon comes up the screen for you to begin the installation. You are able to do this by pressing on the next button at the bottom of this screen.
The subsequent how to install redhat Enterprise Linux 5 display shows the installation progress. On the completion of the installation the system’s going to reboot.
After the rebooting, the display for the setup appears which you should skip. The installation screen that appears next is for the license agreement. This you ought to accept before pressing enter. The following screen has the firewall settings. Here you should render the firewall inoperative before going to the next screen with the SELinux settings (which you should disable as well).
This will make the display having the kdump Settings to appear. You ought to render this inoperative as well.
After this the installation wizard displays that appear are for setting the date and time, for registering the product, for the registration setup, for creating an user additional to the root user and for setting up your sound card and finally for setting up any extra software following which the finish button should be pressed to get the system to reboot for a second time.
Following the rebooting the login screen comes up for you to get logged in as the root user with the password you had provided at the time of the installation.
Having got logged in your red hat Linux 5 desktop comes up. That is the gateway to the world of Linux, marking the end of what can be an arduous installation process.